we'd like You to read our history

The world we're living in leads many people to desperate need of money. They are hopelessly trying to get rid of debts, to take care of families. But life is a bitch. We've heard many various stories of people's lifes and we know for sure - you can't win with big companies. That's impossible as they grew so big and influencial, they can overpay every court and every politician. But you need to know that people are foundation of every corporation.

That's our unique way of getting easyCARDS. For example - companies like Prudential or Allianz periodically offer gift cards for their employees. Ordinary workers may get them once in a year and cards they get have ridiculously low amount of money on them. Bigwigs can take as many cards as they want and that's inequitable, because every million earned by bosses is based on inferiors work.

Fortunately - there are some people, who don't take cards only for themselves. Perhaps we shouldn't tell you this so directly but we ain't scared of giants with clay feets - they're too big to notice. We can't precicise whose companies cards we're delievering but nobody else except us offers them, we are first to do so. If you're not entirely sure about those - don't worry - we also offer traditional types of cards:

Credit Cards

Gathered using ATM Skimmers, the most popular method, come with PIN, printed by us, best-quality

Pre-Paid Cards

No previous owner of such card, very convenient, official VISA and American Express products

Beneficial Cards

Special type of Pre-Paid Cards, no daily limits, unique on market, IMPOSSIBLE TO TRACK


when it comes to purchasing cards

We understand every situation that may occur in life but you really have to be aware of scammers. How can you spot a scammer? In most cases e-mailing such a person will reveal the fraud. He won't be able to say a thing about his methods or motivations, also their sites are being developed using copy-paste method. Most importantly - you should be suspicious about super-cheap offers - they're 100% FAKE.


that stands behind every part of work

Getting access to weakly protected corporative private networks gives us opportunity to distill thousands of cards. One skimmer in a good place transfers info about few hundreds of cards per day. Those numbers may sound unbelievable but it's a fact - the money is within reach. This is the reason why we are able to offer you easyCARDS in so suitable prices - it's just the easiness of gaining them.

Payment method

We accept payments via Bitcoin. Over the years we tested many forms of payment but at this moment we see Bitcoin as the most secure, stable and comfy. The main benefit of this cryptocurrency is its universality and anonymity it provides.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you sell cards?

We have two main reasons to do so. You should have already known the first one - we understand that different situations occur in life and that sometimes getting the money illegaly is the only way to handle them. We think that if you happen to look into the darknet, then your problems have to be serious. You may answer that we can't bo so idealistic and in some way - that's true. Our second reason is way more pragmatic. We - card dealers - we are also using our cards and thanks to spreading them around the world, we minimalise the risk of getting caught. Also the more customers we have - the safer customers are.

Why do cards have different amount of money on them?

To answer this question we need to compare our cards. Credit Cards are far more different than Pre-Paid Cards (and Beneficial Cards). Credit Cards we sell are cloned cards of people who were practically using them. After we get all data associated to particular card, we wait few days to check if its owner uses this card. If the balance stays still, we clone and sell such a card. Amount of money on it depends on how much money did the owner spent. Amount of money on Pre-Paid and Beneficial Cards is dependent on the transfer that was made before we stole the card. Don't believe the vendors who sell Pre-Paid Cards with exact same balance on every card, that's impossible.

Do I have any guarantee?

Yes, we keep an eye on Credit Cards that are in travel and if actual owner of card spends the money, we will inform you about this and we will send another Credit Card free of charge, using the fastest shipping available. We also want to point out that it never happened that customer didn't finally get the product. You have that guarantee but we recommend you to take use of your money as fast as you can. This way you would prevent losing the money from Credit Card and you wouldn't keep fake card in your wallet.

Why do you write messages using so weird language/making mistakes?

That's important rule we also would recommend you to follow. First of all - we don't want to let anybody know our location. Speaking English using some words more frequently than the others may expose our native language. Thanks to writing in weird but understable style, we are sure about impossibility to track our roots using that way. For example - you may observe that on darknet private chats people use the simplest English they are capable of using. That's because TOR guarantees anonimity of data but doesn't secure from injecting information so our writings should be as flat (or weird) as possible.

What's the way of transporting cards?

It depends on your location. We analyse which form of transport guarantees safety and let you know in mail. If we are sure about the fact that posts in your country abide by the procedures (don't peek the letters) - we would probably use this way of transport. If your location is unusual, we would find a trusted courier. The cost would depend on your location. We may also send you all information about the card in the encrypted e-mail if you want it only to make online payments. In that case we don't take any additional money.

How do I pay for the cards?

We accept payments in Bitcoins. It reduces the risk of payment proccess to zero. You shouldn't have any problems with buying Bitcoins, you can do this using typical browser as it's entirely legal. As soon as we negotiate all the details by e-mail, we would send you our Bitcoin wallet ID. We recommend you those marketplaces to buy bitcoins:,

Do I need to send you my address?

Of course no! If you are afraid of passing us your address, you can have the card delievered to a post or trusted place of your choice. If it's courier who brings you the package, you may choose to leave it in some bushes or other place where nobody should notice it. We would solve every problem as you contact us by e-mail.

Is it safe to use your cards?

The answer is: mainly - yes. However, if you are a public person, you shouldn't risk buying Credit Cards or Pre-Paid Cards. You may be observed by paparazzi or by curious people. It may happen that somebody would steal your cards and the bank will discover that you own the card that isn't signed to you. This way the police may get to you. If you are famous, you should only use Beneficial Cards. These cards aren't assigned to a specific person but to the company. If anybody asks you about this - you can say that it was a gift from a friend and that's all. If you aren't a public person and don't know which card to choose - choose Pre-Paid Card o Beneficial Card.

Cards delievered and you're happy? Let the others know!

Last comments: (we add them as soon as we confirm transaction ID)

everydaynormalguy at 08/05/2024 11:42:51
somebody stop that crazy shit xd

Ainieve at 08/04/2024 16:23:23

blake1110 at 08/04/2024 11:42:51
team easycards they are funny, thank you for card

makethatbread14 at 08/01/2024 23:14:57

hey at 08/01/2024 18:12:41
i love you

Client at 07/02/2024 02:39:00
went to ATM and got cash

wowzer at 06/02/2024 19:11:11
I confirm that eveything you happend good

booooo at 05/03/2024 19:02:52

hackermn at 05/03/2024 12:25:14

anonymous at 04/03/2024 23:12:55

***** at 03/04/2024 13:17:41
Just kick my ass now

hahaha at 02/03/2024 09:02:25
I didn't realise that living high might be so easy, just order *****ing cards and forget about everything.

satisfied at 01/04/2024 22:55:51
i'm coming back to this vendor